Events accessibility statements
Download accessibility statements for IET Events sites.
We are committed to ensuring that our websites meet recognised accessibility standards, but there are some limitations. The documents below contain descriptions of known issues, and potential solutions.
Known issues are those reported by our automated monitoring tool as of September 2024. Further manual investigation will be required to evaluate the more complex interactive elements of some sites. We are working to identify and address accessibility issues, so that our websites can be used by everyone.
Please contact us if you observe an accessibility issue not described in the relevant statement, or if you require this information to be supplied in an alternative format.
Accessibility statement: AC and DC Power Transmission (16 September 2024) - [] [PDF, 211KB] -
Accessibility statement: Annual Dinner (17 September 2024) - [] [PDF, 213KB] -
Accessibility statement: Modern Antenna Range Measurements (18 September 2024) - [] [PDF, 227KB] -
Accessibility statement: CIRED 2025 (16 September 2024) - [] [PDF, 215KB] -
Accessibility statement: Cyber Security for Critical Industries (16 September 2024) - [] [PDF, 226KB] -
Accessibility statement: Distributed Generation (16 September 2024) - [] [PDF, 229KB] -
Accessibility statement: Developments in Power System Protection (16 September 2024) - [] [PDF, 232KB] -
Accessibility statement: European Conference on Optical Communication (19 September 2024) - [] [PDF, 212KB] -
Accessibility statement: European Conference on Optical Communication 2023 (19 September 20224) - [] [PDF, 213KB] -
Accessibility statement: Electrical Safety Management (16 September 2024) - [] [PDF, 214KB] -
Accessibility statement: High Voltage Engineering and Testing (16 September 2024) - [] [PDF, 217KB] -
Accessibility statement: Innovation Awards (18 September 2024) - [] [PDF, 213KB] -
Accessibility statement: International Satcoms (18 September 2024) - [] [PDF, 231KB] -
Accessibility statement: Nuclear (19 September 2024) - [] [PDF, 218KB] -
Accessibility statement: Passive Radar (19 September 2024) - [] [PDF, 213KB] -
Accessibility statement: Powering net zero (26 November 2024) - [] [PDF, 230KB] -
Accessibility statement: President's Address (25 September 2024) - [] [PDF, 218KB] -
Accessibility statement: Quantum (25 September 2024) - [] [PDF, 218KB] -
Accessibility statement: Railway (26 September 2024) - [] [PDF, 209KB] -
Accessibility statement: Railway Electrification (26 September 2024) - [] [PDF, 211KB] -
Accessibility statement: Reach Emerging Architectures (26 September 2024) - [] [PDF, 214KB] -
Accessibility statement: Railway Signalling and Control Systems (25 September 2024) - [] [PDF, 228KB] -
Accessibility statement: Satcoms (27 September 2024) - [] [PDF, 233KB] -
Accessibility statement: Safety Critical Systems (27 September 2024) - [] [PDF, 232KB] -
Accessibility statement: Space and Communications (27 September 2024) - [] [PDF, 225KB] -
Accessibility statement: Why 6g (30 September 2024) - [] [PDF, 213KB] -
Accessibility statement: Young Women Engineer (30 September 2024) - [] [PDF, 215KB] -
Accessibility statement: Events registration (November 2024) - [] [PDF, 182KB] -
Accessibility statement: Local event booking (5 December 2024) - [] [PDF, 221KB] -
Accessibility statement: Events hub (Jan 2025) - [] [PDF, 188KB]